Copernican Change
Environment, Order, & Relationship
Environment, Order, & Relationship
Using the latest and greatest media and tools is the age old pitch of peddling advertising. BUT, we (local charities and businesses) MUST get ahead of chasing the latest media and tools if we’re to regain some control, influence, and sanity lost due to these tools and media! If we’re still using the same old advertising spaces or if we’ve been sold the newfangled stuff – we must do better. I see the advances in hi-tech connecting as an opportunity to change; to regain some control, influence, and sanity - NOT just the latest opportunity to continue chasing the dream.
Content on social media is becoming a must to stay in business. But, it takes just 30 minutes for a social media post to reach 50% of the people it’s ever going to reach and it’s all but useless after only 3 hours ( analytics). Social networks also bottleneck our content to tempt us to buy advertising – even to the people we’re already linked to. They excel at selling ads to our larger competition and delivering less publicity to us until we pay too. |
With only 28% of smartphone time spent on social apps (Nielsen, Smartphones Changing Consumers) it makes sense for us to originate all of our digital content on a different website. This gives fans an opportunity to spend some of the other 72% of the time with us. Only then should we share links to our content on social networks. This alone creates more publicity for us, but if we work together in a new way many of us could stop chasing the dream and start living the dream. Some of us could BE THE DREAM.
To achieve the dream we must change some things so they work for us and never use them to sell ads. BuzzBumps lets us create our own content and connections (recommendations), and helps us and others share our connected content on multiple social networks. This takes advantage of our combined content, fans, friends of fans, reach, repetition, and hype. This creates continuous publicity for all of us and we will create the new word-of-mouth with our synergy.
With BuzzBumps even small establishments can contribute and connect to large streams of content with deep distribution channels. That’s similar to the connective results of huge online stores, news networks, search engines, etc. But they spy on us, shadow-ban or suppress legitimate content, then bombard us with advertising, CLICK-BAIT, and propaganda everywhere!
We’ve changed the environment from advertisements to recommendations. Copernican Change is having your recommendations and best citizen testimonies connected to your content with no place for outside ads or negativity. Recommendations are trusted far more than all forms of advertising (Nielsen, Trust in Advertising). Recommendations are also known to be better received than an establishment’s own email or SMS marketing, SEO services, GPS driven ads, etc.
We’ve changed the order of business. By first donating this platform to Battle Creek charities we connect community good will, loyalties, information, and large sections of concerned citizens. Second, business owners are invariably connected to charities. Copernican Change puts charities first with powerful reasoning and a purpose that’s better for the entire community.
Businesses shall have a monthly subscription, and we'll work within the community to donate the platform to charities, stay in business, make a profit, and deliver unmatched results to immersed establishments. We plan to do this for a lower price than traditional print, or radio advertising, and better than the new Search Engine Optimization, or Pay Per Click Ads (all still keep us wanting something better).
We’ve changed the relationship between network and content too. Invariably the most powerful change, with BuzzBumps your network is on your messages, not the trap of your message just on a network. Your content is no longer surrounded by ads (your competitors' ads). Copernican Change gives control to those of us who create our own content (Buzz) and choose what connections (Bumps) to make right on it. WE will influence what fans see next – not ads, negativity, or clickbait, but Our Community Recommendations and Great Citizen Testimonies!
To achieve the dream we must change some things so they work for us and never use them to sell ads. BuzzBumps lets us create our own content and connections (recommendations), and helps us and others share our connected content on multiple social networks. This takes advantage of our combined content, fans, friends of fans, reach, repetition, and hype. This creates continuous publicity for all of us and we will create the new word-of-mouth with our synergy.
With BuzzBumps even small establishments can contribute and connect to large streams of content with deep distribution channels. That’s similar to the connective results of huge online stores, news networks, search engines, etc. But they spy on us, shadow-ban or suppress legitimate content, then bombard us with advertising, CLICK-BAIT, and propaganda everywhere!
We’ve changed the environment from advertisements to recommendations. Copernican Change is having your recommendations and best citizen testimonies connected to your content with no place for outside ads or negativity. Recommendations are trusted far more than all forms of advertising (Nielsen, Trust in Advertising). Recommendations are also known to be better received than an establishment’s own email or SMS marketing, SEO services, GPS driven ads, etc.
We’ve changed the order of business. By first donating this platform to Battle Creek charities we connect community good will, loyalties, information, and large sections of concerned citizens. Second, business owners are invariably connected to charities. Copernican Change puts charities first with powerful reasoning and a purpose that’s better for the entire community.
Businesses shall have a monthly subscription, and we'll work within the community to donate the platform to charities, stay in business, make a profit, and deliver unmatched results to immersed establishments. We plan to do this for a lower price than traditional print, or radio advertising, and better than the new Search Engine Optimization, or Pay Per Click Ads (all still keep us wanting something better).
We’ve changed the relationship between network and content too. Invariably the most powerful change, with BuzzBumps your network is on your messages, not the trap of your message just on a network. Your content is no longer surrounded by ads (your competitors' ads). Copernican Change gives control to those of us who create our own content (Buzz) and choose what connections (Bumps) to make right on it. WE will influence what fans see next – not ads, negativity, or clickbait, but Our Community Recommendations and Great Citizen Testimonies!
Our dad, Tad VanderVoort (Sr.) was a great father, teacher, coach, outdoors-man, and inspiration. He always taught:
"Everything is Connected to Everything Else." Dad taught countless connections throughout nature and the cosmos. But the most profound and valuable connections he shared were the relationships between people, places, and time. BuzzBumps is a tribute to Dad and how well he taught us and others to explore new ways to connect! |